Ways to Make Money While Traveling

Ways to Make Money While Traveling

Jetting off abroad on a one-way ticket? Help your funds last longer by investigating ways to make money while traveling. Whether you want to make a difference, exercise your talents or earn offline, there are initiatives to try.

Teaching a language

One of the most popular ways of making money while travelling is to teach a language in your chosen destination. Native speakers are sought-after in schools worldwide, especially if you speak a language used widely across the globe such as English, German, Spanish or Mandarin.

Take an internationally recognised course on teaching your native tongue as a foreign language. Armed with your certificate, you can approach schools and communities directly to set up in-person or online sessions. 


Being away from the office doesn’t mean you can’t work! Freelancing is a great way to capitalise on your skills while your home address remains impermanent. All you need to get started is a good internet connection, your CV and a portfolio of work showing off your talents.

Writers, designers and developers have a great chance of finding consistent work as these skills are in high demand across all industries.


Another on-the-go money-making endeavour that needs no more than an internet connection is trading. Thanks to apps and platforms from specialists like Tradu, it’s easier than ever to monitor financial markets and manage an investment portfolio.

You can choose to seek short-term gains on fast-moving markets like FOREX or buy shares in companies primed for sustainable growth over time. Regular payments from trading can help to boost your spending money and safeguard the value of your savings. 

Trading can be an effective way to boost your savings, but the rewards are balanced against the possibility of making losses rather than profits. Start slow and apply safety measures like stop-loss orders to help control losses in the event of downturns.

Travel blogging

Are you naturally creative and able to express yourself well with words? Start a travel blogging initiative, either as writing on a traditional website, via a social media account or in video form. If you generate a big enough following, this can be a great way to monetise your exotic experiences!

Some leading magazines will pay for well-written pieces by people in-destination, so reach out to appropriate companies if you think you have an on-trend story with a unique point of view.

Seasonal work

Do you prefer doing physical jobs? Take advantage of short-term seasonal work while you’re travelling. Cafés, restaurants, bars and outdoor attractions often need a staff boost during tourist-heavy months or festive periods. This is a straightforward way to earn cash in hand while enjoying the experience of living offline.