Updated: August 27, 2020
Travel Insurance and what you should know
We all know it’s never something that we really want to pay for…I mean who really WANTS to pay EXTRA money per month for something we feel should be given to us regardless. But when it comes to taking the big trip, or a trip for which you’ve spent time planning and saving, don’t let it be ruined by not having travel insurance. We’ve met people who were supposed to be traveling Southeast for a year and end up getting hurt. Instead of healing and going about the rest of their travels, they’re left with a huge $10,000 bill, and not only do they not finish the trip, but rather have to go home to work and make the money for the bill. We never want the worst to happen…but we can do one thing, and that’s at least to be prepared for it!
PLEASE NOTE: If you’ve any questions involving travel during this pandemic, do not hesitate to shoot us an email at executivethrillseeker@gmail.com