My Credit Repairing Journey Across 3 Continents

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People always tell me that I have the best and worst of luck. Apparently, so does my credit score.

tips on repairing credit

My fiancee and I run a successful international travel blog. When I was on one of my first trips abroad to Romania, a taxi driver swiped all of my credit cards in a cab, saying they were not working one after another! When in reality, he was draining me of over $25,000 in credit across four different cards. Having contacted the banks, I got all the charges taken off, and my cards shipped to Athens' new destination. 

I could breathe freely for some time, but not for too long! I had discovered that they had sent some documents to my home for me to sign and notarize, but I was not there as I was still doing a year's travel around the world. All the charges showed up back in my account with no possibility to dispute them as it was past the 90 day response time. So, I ended up working a lot to pay them off over the last few years. I had been paying a few thousand dollars a month until they just closed all of my cards except for one. That happened entirely out of the blue. 

As you can guess, my credit has dropped down to a painfully low number and almost all of my cards got shut down. However, I didn't want to believe it will define me as a loser. I'm more than just a score. At the same time, mistakes don't fix themselves, and neither does your credit score. If you feel powerless against the system, get help from a credit report repair service such as

As for me, since then, I've been working hard and got up from the abysmal 400's up to 600. I've learned a lot over the last two years while coming back to the United States and working on my travel projects in Europe, across Asia, and even Africa. Know that your credit will not be fixed overnight; you need to be patient and come up with a smart game plan:

  • If you have already got copies of your credit reports, examined them for any errors, and disputed any faulty items, it's time to switch to the rebuilding stage. 

  • For starters, get a free personalized credit consultation with  They provide credit report repair services in the US, and quite successfully, I must say. It's hard to fight alone but much easier when there is a team of professionals to help out, educate, and empower to achieve your goals.

way to repair credit
  • Also, keep your personal goals in line. For me, the goals are family-oriented: I'm getting married, planning to buy a house in the next few years, and thinking about having kids in the same time frame. Think about what you want to achieve and come up with both short-term and long-term plans! 

Don't feel like you know what to do in the future? Well, then try to stop wasting money due to a low score right now with just about anything you buy. A higher credit score lets you save so much on interest rates! Some of my friends who also live in New York saw an average score increase of 40 points in about 4 months by using

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